'But gratitude is a small worn key

Pressed warm in the palm

By a wise one who knew you

Would need another way'

A gratitude key and zesty hope. Beautiful.

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One of my favorite lines, as well.

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I am one who would claim that poetry is not my “thing”, but apparently your poetry is. Happy for you to have had this time, and look forward to what this will bring for you (and us, your every loyal readers).

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You are such a talented writer, Laura. Thank you for sharing these tender and beautiful poems.

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Your themes and images remind me of Richard Wilbur's poem, A Milkweed:

Anonymous as cherubs

over the crib of God,

white seeds are bursting

out of my burst pod.

What power had I

before I learned to yield?

Shatter me, great wind:

I shall possess the field.

Thank you for sharing!!!

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"A voice said, look me in the stars

And tell me truly, men of Earth,

If all the soul-and-body scars

Were not too much to pay for birth."

- A Question, Robert Frost. I don't think I could pick a single favorite nature poem, but if you made me name a top 5 this would make the cut.

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Oh Laura, what gorgeous words, all.

Your talent runs deep. I love your eye… what you see, and how you let us see it too. Love, love ,love to you and yours. So glad to be here in this space with you. ❤️

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I've starred this email in my inbox and have come back to it each of the past 6 days and delighted in your poetry. Keep going!! You're edifying lives.

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These poems are a DELIGHT, Laura. I think #2 and #5 spoke to me the most!

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Oh my goodness this was a delight to read. Every word. Thank you.

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I love poems and yours were spectacular, especially the first group!

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"What looked like weeds was sacred food." A beautiful image to thoughtfully meditate on. Thank you for sharing!

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Just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing with us ❤️

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Your words paint us a visual picture of your experience. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing words from the wild.

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So good, Laura.

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