Anne Lamott once said there are only two prayers, Help me help me help me and Thank you thank you thank you. Your words have so often been the help I need, thank you thank you thank you.

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Crying into my morning coffee. You are a prophet and I am deeply grateful for the way you point me always back to God and Goodness.

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“The holy is thick around us. God is tucked in corners and details, found in cells and flung in the cosmos. We are loved and held every instant, a surrounding grace that changes us.” micro- macro soul truth we know in our body and soul. with you in this!

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Wow! Just. Wow!

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This is great. I'm a slow learning student of broken, but I know what you say is truth. When you say holy is thick around us-my older mom was in a fender bender recently. All were ok. She showed me the man's signature when they exchanged info . . .Holyer.

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The holy is thick around us. A truth I will meditate on throughout the week. Beautiful words. Thank you.

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I join with the others recognizing how profound this truth is that came from the pure heart of your little boy. I will share this with others who struggle ... broken bread is not the end of the story. Grace and peace to you.

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So beautiful Laura. Thank you for sharing this. Reminds me of Glenn Packiam’s book “Blessed Broken Given.” It is only when the bread is broken that it can be shared. So too with our lives. “The ordinary is not the enemy; it is the means by which God accomplishes the miraculous.”

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I’m speechless by your words. Thank you friend. And holding you so close in prayer.

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Beautifully said and profound. May your faith, your children and loved ones hold you up during your continued treatment.

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Amazing, thank you for sharing such beautiful thoughts put into words

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I can see a little boy, tucking one of his favorite stuffed animals by your pillow to share the comfort it brings him. I pray often for this cancer to be lifted from you and your family, but I rejoice and cry and send prayers of thanks for what it is teaching me, through you, my favorite channel. ❤️🙏

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Grateful for the wisdom of children, and the Spirit speaking through you, too.

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