I’m struggling with infertility and chronic pain issues and this article hit directly home. I’m going to have to wrestle with this article more. I want to believe it, that this infuriatingly broken body at 30 yo is still good. But it’s so hard. Pray for me!
So much to consider and think about. Thank you. I will share this with my class soon, as we are studying the Eucharist and this is so connective with our daily lives (bodies) ... I appreciate your self-reflection as well as the richness of communion thought.
Thank you Laura for this. I've never been so grateful for the incarnation than since becoming a mum and now caring for my son with all his complexity around meeting his basic bodily needs. Next time I have communion I will notice the words about the body of Christ in a new way.
Whew. This is holy work, Laura.
You touch my heart every time. I could almost taste your vulnerability. Thank you for sharing, Laura
Goodness gracious. This was powerful. Not a "dismembering" but a "re-membering"... I love that <3
I’m struggling with infertility and chronic pain issues and this article hit directly home. I’m going to have to wrestle with this article more. I want to believe it, that this infuriatingly broken body at 30 yo is still good. But it’s so hard. Pray for me!
So much to consider and think about. Thank you. I will share this with my class soon, as we are studying the Eucharist and this is so connective with our daily lives (bodies) ... I appreciate your self-reflection as well as the richness of communion thought.
Thank you Laura for this. I've never been so grateful for the incarnation than since becoming a mum and now caring for my son with all his complexity around meeting his basic bodily needs. Next time I have communion I will notice the words about the body of Christ in a new way.
so powerful. thanks for sharing.