Personally I love to read what you have written but you share lovely and wonderful things others have written too! Please do what you feel up to doing and know that you are loved by all who read your words.
Laura, I admire your writing so very much. You bring theological truths down to earth for your readers and bless us with beautiful eloquent words. As much as I love your pieces, I would like you to bring back the bi-weekly links to others work so that you can conserve your strength and energy for healing.
Death-Life-Transformation-more Life, new Life... and your beautiful truth: "we only get glorified bodies from earthly bodies." These bodies we've been given matter. Powerful reflection.
Personally I love to read what you have written but you share lovely and wonderful things others have written too! Please do what you feel up to doing and know that you are loved by all who read your words.
I am always so grateful for your encouragement and support, Annemarie!
Laura, these words stopped me in the best way. Keep writing and I will love any poem-ish you get up to.
Thank you, deeply. Grateful to you for reading along.
More of this please (when you feel up to it of course). You are so amazing!
Thank you, Cheryl!
Love everything! I love your lists too but grateful for all of it!
Thank you, Becca!
Laura, I admire your writing so very much. You bring theological truths down to earth for your readers and bless us with beautiful eloquent words. As much as I love your pieces, I would like you to bring back the bi-weekly links to others work so that you can conserve your strength and energy for healing.
Thank you so much, Eileen. I'm grateful for your care and your tender words here.
Wow this was beautiful to read 💛✨
So perfectly said!
Death-Life-Transformation-more Life, new Life... and your beautiful truth: "we only get glorified bodies from earthly bodies." These bodies we've been given matter. Powerful reflection.
Thank you, friend. These bodies matter so much. Grateful to you for helping to care for mine!
So, so, so glad you went “poem-ish”. Beautiful!
This is so beautiful, thank you.
Who cares what others think. Do what feels right. I read you, and I’m blessed.