Oh Laura. Such beautiful words. I am so grateful you are blessed with such a loving, loyal man by your side to care for you right now. God has blessed me with one too and I know, deeply, what a profound gift it is.

Your words always move me. Always.

I am praying for you and all your sweet boys every day. May God keep you all in his arms.



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Just beautiful. Your love and care for each other during this time will not only feed one another, but will also nurture your children and give them sustenance amidst the unknowns. Thanks be to God for your husband’s deep and abiding faithfulness. What a beautiful gift, now so clearly seen in the starkness illness brings.

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Well dang, now I’m crying. This was so beautiful, thanks for sharing it Laura.

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So beautiful Laura! As my girls often said as they were growing up, “Everyone wants a Franco!”

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“In sickness and in health. That’s you now.” My heart 😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Thankful for your husband and your example of marriage. Praying without ceasing for you in these days xx

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Blessings on you, your husband and your family, Laura. Thank you for the courage and the poems.

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Beautiful words Laura.

I actually laughed at your son’s comment. They always just say it as it is. 😍

Praying to Our Lady of Lourdes for you all.


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This brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing, Laura. You are both in my prayers.

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god bess you all. that's all I got

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Praise God for His faithfulness, for carrying you and anchoring you to His unconditional, infinite, creative Love, a love which never fails.

Praise God for your husband and children -- your first vocation, your fruitfulness, your living HOPE.

Praying fiercely and with expectant faith for miracles for you, dear sister!

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