Laura - your stories are a tremendous gift. I am so grateful you share them. Love to your family in 2023.

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Thank you so much, Sarah! Deeply grateful to have you reading along.

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I just lost my lengthy response to this piece and I can’t find it. I’m so sorry because it outlined, in detail, a similar experience I had. Let me just say that the promise is that the joy and love you experienced that day, you will experience once again, with both your daughters. And when it happens again you won’t have to say goodbye. Ever again.

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Thank you so much, Sharon - for this beautiful reminder and for your support of my work. Grateful to have you reading along!

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You continue to tell this story with heart-breaking honesty and transformational theology. I'm so grateful for your paired gifts of words and faith, Laura.

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Many thanks, Karen. I'm so grateful for your presence here.

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Thank you for your sharing. As I wipe away my tears, what a beautiful, transformative event/experience! And your words…the day after the Epiphany. ❤️

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Many thanks, Elaine. Blessings on your Epiphany!

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Absolutely stunning. ♥️

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Thank you, friend.

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Achingly beautiful. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you, Karen 💛

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Such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you, Diane. Grateful for your words.

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Jan 7Edited

WOW, wow , wow. I had no idea I was in for such a god-given reading feast today. The epiphany was unknown to me a few weeks ago before I felt god leadme to learn about it. I didn't even know it was a thing in some christian traditions. It simply amazes me how he draws us in and teaches us. I don't think there could be a better source of writing for me this year on soaking in the epiphany- than from you Laura. Thank you for writing and sharing. I'm in awe of your talent and thankful to our Father for leading me here. 🔥😊. I had an epiphany 7 years ago and cannot put into words what you have done so beautifully. I am refreshed and enlightened and ever grateful I pray to never forget this first epiphany and everyone thereafter. 🩵🙏🔥🔥

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