Aslan! Long live Aslan and the magical world of Narnia!! (With its unmistakable parallels to the Christian story of redemption that still give me goosebumps!)

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I’ve been reading Laura Ingalls books to my youngest, age 8, and she’s really enjoying them. Plum Creek is full of so-hard moments, grasshoppers, Pa working away, blizzards, but so many beautiful moments, kindness, Ma’s face shone, love, songs. Stubborn stories of resurrection…. Hallelujah for good books!

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There's a book called "The Inquisitor's Tale: or three magical children and their holy dog" that came out in 2016. In it, the three children talk to a troubadour about evil in the world after witnessing something horrible. The troubadour responds by reciting a poem about a king who died in battle. The girl in the group replys with tears in her eyes that it's so sad. The troubadour says, "Yes...but isn't the poem beautiful?"

Anyway, this essay reminded me of that. The book it came from isn't perfect or anything, but that one passage has stuck with me for years.

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Yes to “stubborn stories of resurrection” 🙌

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I was recently surprised by the complete Chronicles of Narnia on Spotify. These books were kind companions throughout my childhood and I loved sharing them with my kids. I happily began to listen to them, and was comforted anew with those chapters right around Easter Sunday. The reminder that what we see isn’t all ~ good is coming, triumph is coming. Hope can be trusted 🦁

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