Laura, this is STUNNING. Thank you for sharing it with us! The labor of writing, so like the labor of the kingdom.

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Why did this make me cry?? So lovely.

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As a homeschool mom, this is pretty much my life every single day. You capture it well.

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Thank you for this beautiful encouragement to allow ourselves to be slowed down and appreciate His work in life's stumbles.

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Thank you for this exquisite piece of writing. Every word fits beautifully. In a recent reading of this “Our Father” some familiar lines re-written are: “...Feed us today, and forgive us, ... . I find those phrases lingering in me long after the prayer itself has ended. My gratitude to you and your sweet six- year old, Fondly, Jeanne Cronin

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This made me laugh... and then smile about how profound an image it is. Thank you!

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Oh you have such a way with words. 🤍

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Beautiful! My oldest is just getting mature enough to really participate in prayer-and some days I’m in that same boat where I want to scream or just skip it because of the pace/effort. But God always finds a way to remind me of the work He is doing when I leave the door open. And a huge congratulations on being cancer free. God be praised! Finally, saw in another post that you’re an ND grad. Same here-Go Irish!

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I could not love this more. 💖

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