May God bless all who are integrated into Mothering Spirit - writers and receivers alike! You have long been one of my most treasured writers, Laura. Your stories and heart woven so beautifully through your words. Thank you for expanding and deepening this gift you gave birth to 13 years ago. And every birth you’ve labored for and loved since.
“May he grant you your heart's desire, and fulfil all your plans!” Psalms 20:4
Deanne, I am so grateful to you - for your gracious words, for your encouragement, and most of all for placing this beautiful Psalm on my heart today right when I needed it most!
Laura - I so often recommend your work to others. This new endeavor sounds like a next level effort and I’m eager to see what is coming. That said, your response to to the criticism of a reader who suggested your writing somehow wounded her by ignoring a different angle is evidence of a humble heart. However, when I find a writer’s view doesn’t resonate I don’t fault someone for knowing what they know and not knowing what I know. I find this critique to be pretty typical of our current context in which “the chip on my shoulder is your problem not mine”. I hope you can shake off any lingering “guilt” about representing your own POV. Your authenticity and perseverance are much appreciated
Thank you, Mary. I appreciate your support & encouragement! What was unique about this encounter with a reader was that she didn't just leave a toss-away comment or a negative Amazon review. She took the time to email me, she received my response, and we had a fruitful exchange back and forth over time. That's why it became a genuine experience of learning and transformation for me, because it was a personal encounter (within the limitations of email, of course) and not an impersonal critique or attack which is rife online these days. So I agree: we can't know what we don't know, and no individual can be all things for for all people (I leave that to St. Paul!). But I also believe it's important to dialogue with those who challenge our modus operandi not because they want to tear us down or call us out, but because they want to call us in to something new.
I'm reminded of how many angry emails I received after I wrote a column about wanting the Catholic Church to teach its members more about racism: so many cynical, cutting critiques (like "do you want the Church to teach you how to ride a bike too?"). That was the opposite experience entirely: no desire for dialogue or invitation to learn, grow, or change. So I remain grateful to this woman for her willingness to call me into a new perspective.
Thanks so much, Elizabeth. I wrestled with including that story because 1) it was a really hard and humbling experience (still hard to revisit in writing!) and 2) I do not have it figured out so never want to give the impression that I have "arrived" with this new venture (or ever). But it's important that people know the genesis of this new effort was not mine alone, and that even the challenges of an encounter like this can bear fruit over time. Thanks for your enthusiasm - grateful to have you here!
May God bless all who are integrated into Mothering Spirit - writers and receivers alike! You have long been one of my most treasured writers, Laura. Your stories and heart woven so beautifully through your words. Thank you for expanding and deepening this gift you gave birth to 13 years ago. And every birth you’ve labored for and loved since.
“May he grant you your heart's desire, and fulfil all your plans!” Psalms 20:4
Deanne, I am so grateful to you - for your gracious words, for your encouragement, and most of all for placing this beautiful Psalm on my heart today right when I needed it most!
Laura - I so often recommend your work to others. This new endeavor sounds like a next level effort and I’m eager to see what is coming. That said, your response to to the criticism of a reader who suggested your writing somehow wounded her by ignoring a different angle is evidence of a humble heart. However, when I find a writer’s view doesn’t resonate I don’t fault someone for knowing what they know and not knowing what I know. I find this critique to be pretty typical of our current context in which “the chip on my shoulder is your problem not mine”. I hope you can shake off any lingering “guilt” about representing your own POV. Your authenticity and perseverance are much appreciated
Thank you, Mary. I appreciate your support & encouragement! What was unique about this encounter with a reader was that she didn't just leave a toss-away comment or a negative Amazon review. She took the time to email me, she received my response, and we had a fruitful exchange back and forth over time. That's why it became a genuine experience of learning and transformation for me, because it was a personal encounter (within the limitations of email, of course) and not an impersonal critique or attack which is rife online these days. So I agree: we can't know what we don't know, and no individual can be all things for for all people (I leave that to St. Paul!). But I also believe it's important to dialogue with those who challenge our modus operandi not because they want to tear us down or call us out, but because they want to call us in to something new.
I'm reminded of how many angry emails I received after I wrote a column about wanting the Catholic Church to teach its members more about racism: so many cynical, cutting critiques (like "do you want the Church to teach you how to ride a bike too?"). That was the opposite experience entirely: no desire for dialogue or invitation to learn, grow, or change. So I remain grateful to this woman for her willingness to call me into a new perspective.
I love the humility and passion in this post. I am completely and totally here for this work! Very excited to see more!
Thanks so much, Elizabeth. I wrestled with including that story because 1) it was a really hard and humbling experience (still hard to revisit in writing!) and 2) I do not have it figured out so never want to give the impression that I have "arrived" with this new venture (or ever). But it's important that people know the genesis of this new effort was not mine alone, and that even the challenges of an encounter like this can bear fruit over time. Thanks for your enthusiasm - grateful to have you here!