“The psalmist speaks truth from this place, but does not stay here.”

This was a good work for me, a reminder that nothing is permanent. Wherever I am is where I am, but it’s not where I’ll stay.

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The psalmist being dragged ahead by faith on bloody knees… this is where I am after an IVF miscarriage. Thank you for this.

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Oh Kirsten. So many prayers. It is an enormous loss, worthy of every howl to the heavens.

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I needed this today. Thank you.

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Thank you, Laura. These words ring true for me in these uncertain days. It is good to be reminded that we can speak our guttural cries and utterances to God and he hears. He understands our anger, sadness, confusion, all of our emotions. Thank you for putting words to my lament.

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All of your words regarding lament were laden with what I needed. The greatest hinge for me was

"the psalmist speaks truth from this place, but does not stay here." After losing my oldest brother to a short battle with lung cancer, I am in the midst of grieving the lose of this dear, sweet, gentle, kind, quiet, spiritual man who was truly the modern day Good Samaritan in his small town. And also dealing alongside the grief, I am suffering from the distrust of his estranged children, that I now understand why he was estranged from them. And so I am letting "my gritty faith that drags us onward" to respect his wishes and allow God to work through me to honor him.

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