A favorite poem on calling came to mind as I gathered this week’s newsletter. This golden thread runs straight through this good work: yours, mine, everyone’s.
May it guide you, too.
The Way It Is - William Stafford
There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost.
Tragedies happen; people get hurt
or die; and you suffer and get old.
Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
You don’t ever let go of the thread.
This is your last chance to register for the Parable Retreat coming this Thursday-Sunday! We’ll be praying with Scripture, art, music, and poetry, and we’ll hear from a few wise friends who’ll share their perspectives on the spirituality of Jesus’ parables. If you’ve been facing changes big or small, this time of prayer is for you.
I was honored to offer a plenary address to the International Catholic Stewardship Conference in Orlando this week, where I spoke about our need to be good ancestors: an unusual but timely way to envision our call to stewardship of the planet, its people, and its resources.
A kind reader shared Danielle Rose’s latest album project with me in honor of our daughters—and all babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss. Check it out for anyone who’d love to know their child is remembered, too? (I got to hear Danielle’s heavenly voice at dorm Masses while I was at Notre Dame, and her music is pure gift.)
Several friends are bringing new books into the world. I’m in awe of their creative and compassionate hearts. Pre-orders make a world of difference for authors, so check these out and cross a few Christmas gifts off your list:
The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers from wise women including Leticia Ochoa Adams, Erica Tighe Campbell, Karianna Frey, Justina Kopp, Haley Stewart, Kathryn Whitaker (whom I met in Orlando!), and many more
Better Than OK: Finding Joy as a Special Needs Parent by Kelly Mantoan
Fulton Sheen and the Very Bad Week by Bonnie Engstrom and Mariam Khoury Briggs
Made New: 52 Devotions for Catholic Women by Leana Bowler, Brittany Calavitta, Jenna Guizar, Liz Kelly, and Nell O’Leary
Garden Maker: Growing a Life of Beauty and Wonder with Flowers by Christie Purifoy
Finally, here’s my latest column for Catholic News Service on running to each other in need and God’s option for the poor.
May you continue to find and follow your thread.
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Find my books here: Everyday Sacrament | Grieving Together | Prayers for Pregnancy & Birth | To Bless Our Callings | Living Your Discipleship