Pilgrimage news
Quick reminder that the registration deadline for the pilgrimage to France in October is July 8th. If you’re thinking about joining us, please reach out with any questions! It’s going to be an incredible trip, praying in Paris and Lourdes and Lisieux, to name just a few sacred places.
Here’s a powerful essay by Bromleigh McCleneghan about learning to pray at Notre Dame Cathedral in case you need a nudge you need to join us.
For Father’s Day
Every year I get requests to use this Litany for Father’s Day from Mothering Spirit in churches this weekend. Feel free to pray and share.
It’s always a good time to celebrate the marvelous, mischievious work of Brian Doyle, forever a favorite writer on all things faith and family: A Note on Fatherness (including a wonderful Trinitarian twist about loving like loaves and fishes).
A few fathers I enjoy following on social media:
FitDadCEO for a daily dose of dad jokes
Clint Watkins on grief and parenting after loss
What Dad Did for Montessori at home and raising a child of deaf adults
J.S. Park on ministry, chaplaincy, and the delight of new parenthood
Carlos Whitaker for encouragement across political/social divisions and the joy of parenting young adults
For your reading & listening
Pádraig Ó Tuama reminds us that we have possibilities.
Kelly Corrigan lifts up the power of micro-agency and the encouragement of historical change (seat belts!).
Sharon McMahon is one of my online heroes. She’s taught me more about government than any civics class, so I loved this Atlantic profile on her approach.
I’m finishing Linea Nigra: An Essay on Pregnancy and Earthquakes by Jazmina Barrera. Compelling reflections on the embodied complexities of pregnancy and postpartum.
This week I read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane to our 8- and 4-year-olds. Wept openly at the ending. Further proof that Kate DiCamillo is a gem: For the Eight-Year-Old in You.
Which reminds me of this address that Katherine Paterson gave at the Festival of Faith and Writing on what it means to be a “meaning-maker in a world gone mad.”
Finally, I can’t stop listening to Jon Guerra’s Kingdom of God.
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Find my books here: Everyday Sacrament | Grieving Together | Prayers for Pregnancy & Birth | To Bless Our Callings | Living Your Discipleship
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Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash.