Keep looking up
Next time my kids roll their eyes, I’ll remind them the newspaper said I was funny
Christina Cappechi from The Catholic Spirit interviewed me for their latest edition: A year of cancer, a new perspective. (Check out my husband’s greenhouse in the photo background; take that, garden haters.)
Need some Holy-Spirit-in-the-skies to keep you looking up? “Orinthographies” from Xavi Bou is a mesmerizing photograph collection of birds’ invisible patterns above us.
Speaking of birds, we have become 100% obsessed with the free Merlin Bird ID app from Cornell. Every morning I record the dawn chorus to see what shows up in our yard. I am insufferable about this joy.
My latest at (in)courage: Your Reminder That Jesus Is Already In The Boat. “I can’t save my friend’s baby or marriage. I can’t take away the grief of family members or strangers. I can’t end a war, stop a flood, or feed a hungry world…But we can cry out to God about every storm we see — not only for ourselves, but for those we love (and those we don’t know).”
If you are haunted by Rafah, here’s a poem.
Join us this summer
Delighted to share the news that Boston College’s Church in the 21st Century Center has selected Called on the Way: The Daily Practice of Discipleship as its Summer Book Club read!
We’ll be gathering live on Aug. 21 to discuss the book together, and you can join for free. Check out the option to join a small group to read the book this summer, too.
Liturgical Press has generously offered 20% off with free standard shipping (US only) with promo code LKFCALLED. Grab your copy here, and join us this summer!
What are you reading this season? Share your latest favorite here:
I, too, an obsessed with the Merlin app!
I am reading all of Beverly Nichols books. They’re funny and heart-warming, and you don’t need to be a gardener to enjoy these sweet summer savourings. Start with Down the Garden Path… then there’s Sunlight on the Lawn, Laughter on the Stairs, Merry Hall and several more. I’m going to try to read them all this summer. ❤️
"I am insufferable about this joy." - Perhaps my favorite sentence I've read in awhile?! <3