Here’s my mid-week round-up of books, essays, poems, and prayers that made me think.
Devouring this book—and not just because I wanted to be an astronaut as a kid: In Light-Years There's No Hurry: Cosmic Perspectives on Everyday Life by Dutch poet and space journalist Marjolijn van Heemstra.
It’s not too late for a new Lenten practice. Start singing.
I’m on this man’s side, even though I didn’t give him any money. Right? From Isaac S. Villegas at The Christian Century: “Giving to anyone who asks is how we acclimate ourselves to God’s reign, where everyone has enough because no one has too much.”
Wrote this poem when my uncle died. Keep his family in your prayers? One. More.
For a laugh, thanks to my brother who sent me this thread on X: Books of the Bible as GIFs from The Office from Amy Mantravadi who writes at
Your favorite Easter reads?
I’m working on Easter basket ideas from babies through teens, and I’d love to include your suggestions in
which comes out every Saturday morning. What are your favorite Easter books or gift ideas, for your kids or from your own childhood?Personally I remain nostalgic for The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes and will argue for it as a vocational statement about our multiple callings to work and family. Yes, I went there. About a bunny book.
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One of my favorite Easter books is “Easter Bunny’s Amazing Day.” The illustrations aren’t great but it is the sweetest legend tying the Easter Bunny in with Triduum. A truly beautiful story!
I am THRILLED about The Office as books of the Bible. Song of Songs -- that's what she said?! I mean, that's HILARIOUS!