A Time to Read, A Time to Rest
"Hard times require furious dancing. Each of us is the proof.” (Alice Walker)
It’s been a busy week: turned 41, caught the kids’ stomach bug, gave two Lenten retreats, led Create in the Chaos, and washed every piece of laundry in this house. Twice.
The need for rest is real! May these good reads accompany your Sabbath.
I appreciated Emily Oster’s 5-step approach to talking about hard things with kids.
What does it mean for our collective (holy) labor if the 5-day work week is dying?
Here’s an intriguing take from The Atlantic on narrative fatigue in the pandemic.
A creative blend of art, poetry, and technology: A Poem (and a Painting) About the Suffering That Hides in Plain Sight.
Tish Harrison Warren’s latest reflection on sin, grace, and forgiveness is a solid read: We live in a culture where “everything is permitted and nothing is forgiven.”
I wrote my latest column for Catholic News Service the night before war broke out. My son’s question became more prophetic by the next morning: What would God do?
Cameron Bellm’s prayers are keeping me grounded in this moment, as always.
Ghosts of Ukraine is an haunting read (and powerful piece of writing) in Harper’s Bazaar.
The music of Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson has accompanied many writing hours, but my sister introduced me to his Orphee album, and it’s fitting for right now.
For an inspiring read, check out this story about two teachers that our family is blessed to know—and how their friendship led to a profound conversion of faith.
I’m in the middle of These Precious Days by Ann Patchett: wise, thoughtful, laugh-out-loud funny (as my spouse can attest, thanks to my numerous nighttime read-alouds).
If you need another laugh in these dark times, Selected Negative Teaching Evaluations of Jesus Christ from McSweeney’s is pretty darn near perfect.
Find my books here: Everyday Sacrament | Grieving Together | Prayers for Pregnancy & Birth | To Bless Our Callings | Living Your Discipleship
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