
A Pre-Lenten Bonus for You

Substack let me share a video with you (new!) so let me tell you a story

I promise this will not become a twice-a-week newsletter. This is also the last note I’ll send about the pilgrimage—soon we’ll be back to regularly scheduled programming!

But I wanted to share a pre-Lenten gift with you. 

Substack let me into their Beta video program, which was a delightful surprise. So I thought I’d try it out and share a chapter for you from my book Everyday Sacrament. You can watch or listen—whatever you prefer.

This chapter weaves the story of a life-changing pilgrimage I took while I lived in France. (It also tells the tale of two tempers, mine and a child who will hopefully forgive me for using his real name in print.)

The reading is about reconciliation: the sacrament we receive in church and the ordinary forgiveness we offer to one another in family, friendships, and a thousand everyday encounters along the way.

As Lent starts to lighten on the horizon, may these words accompany you to the surprising places God will lead in the season ahead. 

If you’d like to learn more about The Sacred Way: A Pilgrimage Across France, visit my website here or check out the full itinerary here.

Select International Tours is offering a special discount of $350 per person for any new registration before February 18th. I hope you’ll pray about joining us from Oct. 12-22, 2022!

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