A Peek at My Christmas List
Show me yours; I’ll show you mine. No, seriously, I still need gift ideas.
Thanks to my amazing new assistant Sarah, I’ve added to my collections of favorite books on faith for kids (from birth-6 and 6-12), parenting, vocation, grief, and writing. Lots of Advent and Christmas books and gift ideas gathered for you!
For our kids
For the baby-who’s-a-toddler: this Holy Spirit quilt and wooden puzzle from Be A Heart. I also found this cool matchbox for our prayer table; Not Safe For Baby.
For our car-crazed 4 year-old, this felt vehicle banner for his bedroom and this solar system quilt from Fawnly Prints. (I also love Fawnly’s grief encouragement cards, and wouldn’t they be perfect to tuck in a card to a friend who needs a boost this year?)
For our budding scientist of a 7 year-old: this science experiment kit and his own Little Passports boxes (you can get $25 off your monthly subscription with this link).
For our 10 year-old who can’t stop creating and loves mail: Tinker Crate boxes ($10 off you subscription with this link). I also found this middle-grade book subscription box from Food for the Worm, started by a 12 year-old during quarantine last year.
For our own 12 year-old: gulp and yup, we’re about to make his dreams come true. After lots of research, we landed on Gabb Wireless for his first phone (NO ONE SPOIL THE SURPRISE). No internet, no social media, just the chance to connect with friends. Email me if you want a code for 50% off to check it out.
For ourselves
If you’re looking for Advent/Christmas inspiration for yourself, check out:
these gorgeous Advent reflection cards from Reliquary Supply (get yours for 10% off with code LAURA10)
my book Emmanuel: A Christmas Feast—a hardcover coffee-table book with daily reflections for the Christmas season, Scripture, hymns, and original artwork from Jess at The Living Heart Co
free weekly Advent reflection emails from Marina Gross-Hoy on art & parenting and SK Moody on poetry
Finally, I’m running two giveaways this weekend on Instagram that you don’t want to miss!
a copy of The Tiny Seed by Katie Warner and Meg Whalen
a Saints Around the World bundle from Almond Rod Toys with a signed copy of the book, 6 saints blocks, and your choice of an 8x10 print.
This post contains affiliate links. Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash
Find my books here: Everyday Sacrament | Grieving Together | Prayers for Pregnancy & Birth | To Bless Our Callings | Living Your Discipleship
For kiddo:
We do Mama-kiddo matching Christmas pajamas on St. Nicholas Day, so he’s getting those, plus I’ll grab chocolate coins and clementines to fill out his shoes.
A Tie Fighter lego kit
New winter boots from LL Bean
Various small stocking stuffers from http://heirloomartco.com/
Most of the men in my life (father and both brother in laws): Scotch. Just from the liquor store lol.
Mom, one sister, best girlfriend:
knitting kits from http://weareknitters.com/
Other sister: A silly coffee mug with an inside joke printed on it
Other very close friends:
-Knitted mittens
-Framed photographs (photography is one of my hobbies). One architecture buff friend has a favorite building local to me that I’ll photograph. Another friend will get a nature photograph. A third friend will get some kind of kitchen or food photo.
-These little wool “utility cloths” from Tom Bihn for two friends https://www.tombihn.com/collections/gift-ideas/products/wool-utility-cloth?variant=14816891699263
-A mug cozy from here https://www.etsy.com/shop/thecozywife?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=656648759
-(used) copies of Christian Prayer and the Catechism for my Anglican friend who is seriously considering crossing the Tiber and likes it when I work on him lol (last year he got a rosary).
Everyone else in my circle (kid’s teacher, priest, more casual friends, neighbors, etc) gets a cookie basket which I am starting this week. Baking and freezing, baking and freezing.
Most things are in hand (or en route) except for the Scotch which I’ll snap up whenever, the mittens which I need to finish, and the photos, which I will take and then upload directly to Framebridge by the end of this week.
So close to done!